I've been neglecting my blog for a bit, so I'm going to do a works dump for you. The best I've drawn since my last post. Enjoy.
As you can see I've done a bit of traditional artwork.
I've even tried my hand at Graffiti, digitally.
I did a drawing commission.
I've even tried out some landscapes I never thought I could do before.
I even tried some different media...Like Prisma markers...This is a mixed media of Prisma colors.
This is the last one I finished, It happens to be a very special artwork. It was drawn for someone very special to me whose been going through some tough times. This was also another experiment, of which I used Pastel Chalk Pencils.
Make sure you subscribe to my blog, and don't forget to check out the rest of my artwork and photography: http://somechick73.deviantart.com and http://tlbphoto.deviantart.com